Sunday, 25 September 2016


I've not always been a lover of grapefruit and used to find it way too bitter to appreciate the flavour, but with this delicious freshly squeezed juice recipe that has all changed! Mixing the grapefruit with orange really sweetens it up and makes it so much more drinkable. Whether you're already a fully fledged fan of the fruit, or you just want to incorporate more healthy juices into your life, I def recommend you give this 'mocktail' recipe a go! 

You will need (Ingredients will make approx. 4 glasses)
3x Grapefruits
2x Navel Oranges
1 x Lemon 
1x Lime
Dash of Cordial/Natural extracts of your choice to flavour (I used Belvoir cordials in Ginger or Elderflower and Rose)
Fresh Ginger (optional)
Lavender or Thyme to garnish

To make:

1- Juice the citrus fruits - I have a juicer attachment on my food processor which makes things that little bit quicker, but with a bit of elbow grease this can easily be done by hand with a manual juicer! The ratio needed is as in the ingredients list, and pretty much 3:2:1:1, grapefruit:orange:lemon:lime 

2 - Filter the juice - I simply ran the juice through a sieve and into a mixing bowl to remove any excess pulp and leave a perfectly smooth and drinkable concoction!

3 - Add your flavourings - this drink is already totally delicious without any added extras, so it's totally up to you if you add in this step - but it's always fun to experiment with different flavour combos and mix it up a little. I used Belvoir cordials to add a little something different to the grapefruit mixture - I love their Ginger cordial as it is full of natural extracts, but if you're wary of the added sugar, fresh Ginger is also a great option and is a great combo when paired with fresh Lime. I also experimented with the Belvoir Rose and Elderflower cordial, which adds a really subtle floral taste 

4 - Finish off by pouring into individual glasses, throwing in some ice and garnishing with a couple pieces of lavender and you've got yourself a pretty fancy and vv healthy juice, or the perfect cocktail base!


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